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Perth, WA, Australia

Friday 9 August 2013

At The End of The Pendulum's Swing...

There is plethora of unceasing attempts to block our future from reflecting a new quantum jump of awareness and operations for mankind.  Old forces want to invite us again into slavery to their ancient plans of subjugation, and are monopolizing the invisible realms utilizing highly sophisticated methods of sub-space program implants and alteration of our holy DNA to infiltrate our reality and cause ever greater strife, chaos, despondency and disconnection of mankind from each other and from its Sourcing Essence.
Our inner and outer biological, mental, and spiritual environments have lately been under an undue amount of stress and assault often resulting in grave imbalances to all the levels which create and form our reality as human beings.   We need to regain immediately control, and power, and purify the vessel that we are, in order to invite much more powerful forms of energy and reality manifestations which beg to operate and awaken within us.

We have all moved away from Essence and invented corrupt systems that we claim to originate from Light but that in fact are far away from Essence.  The Essence is the Core of the ONE

You will not find Stillness in man or God, light or darkness, and silence or sound. It is only when you absorb the flame of the Mirroring support of Reality that you can find the real Peace because you do not exclude anything anymore but incorporate it ALL.

Stillness cannot ever reside in the dance of polarities but outside of it in the Essence of its movement. The gap between polarities at their moment of extreme tension is where the connection to Essence is made, alike the movement of a pendulum where infinity resides at the swing’s end.
Our role which is very difficult is to stay both still and dynamically vibrantly active at once. That is where thought comes in as the modulating factor to the Divine carrier wave Field; our co-creative gifts and abilities are there.. 

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