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Perth, WA, Australia

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Alzheimer Patient Regains Memory

I thought you would like to hear about another miracle.  This time it is an Alzheimer patient.  We haven't found many Alzheimer patients as they are often hidden away somewhere and always have relatives that know better.  But in this lady's case her son had watched the medical doctors do absolutely nothing for years and he has seen MMS do something, so he was willing to try. 
Within two weeks she was back to thinking clearly.  (Who knows how clearly, but that is what she says as opposed to saying that she could not think at all.)  In addition, much of her memory had returned. Of course, she is not totally cured yet, but she is back to living her life.  All the indications are that she will be well in a few more weeks.  Have you ever heard of a medical drug doing anything similar in such a short time?  Well, if you did hear of such a thing, it was not true, because there are no such medical reports.  As I write this sentence (9/8/2010) this lady has finished her 3rd week and a telephone call to her this morning proves she is feeling even better with even better thinking and more memory returned. 
I know, You’re Thinking, “Where's the Proof?”
Where are the double blind clinical trials?  Well, we will probably get some of those trials soon.  We simply haven't had the money for such trials so far.  We are hoping to do so soon.  Meanwhile, if you absolutely wanted to prove it to yourself we could organize a trip for a group of us to visit this lady.  She'd be OK to see a group, but you would have to accept her word.  Actually, you could talk to her neighbors to find out how she has been doing for the past 5 years, and we might even be able to get her doctor to visit while the group is there. But do you see, the simpler thing is, why try to prove it? 

·         Why not just get some MMS and try it like several million people have already done?  It's cheap, about $20 for a year's supply.  Oh, you will spend more because you need citric acid or lemon juice, but the most you will spend is still about 2 cents a dose.

My critics still refuse to test it, or check a single person who has been cured of anything, and they continue to claim I am making thousands selling it.  But since I have never made a cent from the sales of MMS, their critical accusations ring hollow.  Can you believe that they would continue to spout critical lies while never checking a single person, or studying a single point about chemistry to see if I am right?  All of them have to be unwilling or unable to ever check their beliefs, because if they did, they would find thousands of healed people back to their lives, happy to be done with the suffering.  These critics are definitely a group who "hold their head in the sand”. Unfortunately, they live their lives to create the maximum damage to themselves and society, because the few who believe them will continue to suffer and die rather than treat their diseases. 

In South America on the day that I cured myself from malaria, I swore to bring this chemical solution now called MMS to the world.  I'm 78 years old and I don't need to get rich.  But I do need to see the millions of suffering people in the world returned to health.  If that were an impossible thing, to overcome 98% of the suffering, then I wouldn't worry about it, and I'd retire like most of the others my age.

·         But it is not impossible, and we can do it, and we have got to do it. Those of you who understand know that we have got to do it. 

I've been doing it for 13 years now and I have seen more incurable diseases cured than any man has ever seen.  The Ministers of Health are doing it now, they are becoming more and more able to cure disease and it is what we will all do.  Together, will create a world free of disease. I can't do it alone, but all of us together can.  I will continue to help, but now I have others helping me, the Ministers of Health, Doctors of MMS, and many of you.

I searched for a way, a vehicle so to speak, that would not only help bring about a world without diseases, but would also help protect the Ministers of Health who are being created in my Seminars.  These people, the ones I have already trained and the ones that will be trained, need to be protected. They know more, and are more capable of curing more people of more different diseases, than any person before them.  They are doing it right now. I do not compare them with medical doctors, as they cure diseases as opposed to merely treat symptoms.  They are all compassionate, sensitive, loving people who mostly treat people free of charge and depend upon donations. 

Our Children Need Protecting

Our children are under attack by our governments.  It is now determined that every child must have over 50 vaccinations before 6 years of age and all vaccinations contain poisons.
 And they make billions for the drug companies. I shouldn't have to prove any of this to you, as the medical profession has never proven that vaccinations prevent or even reduce diseases.  I say it again. Vaccinations have never been proven to protect a single child against a single disease. 
All a doctor will ever tell you is, "It's well known that vaccinations work."  They won't offer you a single proof.  I mean something like this:
·          “Here is a group of kids who were vaccinated and here is another group of kids in the same school who were not vaccinated.  See, the vaccinated group is much healthier.”
That's never happened.  All you will get from a doctor is double talk.  The doctor will sound so learned and so educated in the upper technology of vaccinations that you will leave 9 times out of 10 convinced that he has proven it.  But stop and think. What did he really prove beyond listing a lot of impressive schools and doctors?  Well it's nothing, because there is no proof that vaccinations work.  Until you prove it for yourself, please take my word for it, because if you allow your child to be vaccinated you could be dooming him or her to a life of Autism or numerous other problems.

The Harm Done by Vaccinations
There are now more than 24,000 new cases of autism each year. Autism was unheard of before vaccinations came along in about 1950, but so was childhood brain damage and ADHD and dozens of other problems.   Remember, follow the money and you will see why various things are happening.  By 1960, it was estimated that over 1 million children had vaccine-caused disabilities, including
·         Learning difficulties
·         Behavioral problems
·         Allergies
·         Speech difficulties
·         Visual problems
·         Problems in adjustment and coping
A hundred million since then.  If you would like to know the truth about vaccinations, it's simple. Just go to those doctors who are not making millions or to companies who are not making billions from vaccines who know about health.  Go to google and search "Vaccines truth," or "polio truth."  It is so unbelievable that people, including our Congressmen, would allow such a thing, that people just continue to allow it  The harm done now by vaccines is far beyond what was done in 1960.  But it is set so the problems mostly come on slowly and show up months or years later. Who would believe that they will allow millions to suffer and die just for the money? Well, you need to believe it, because your
children are in imminent danger.
Luckily, believe it or not, MMS is curing the problems of Autism.  One doctor in Mexico has been doing that, healing the problems of autism using MMS.  I know it is terribly hard to believe that our government would do this or allow this, but again, it's your children who are in immediate danger.  You could be terribly sorry the rest of your life if you don't check this out.  Go to google and check “vaccines truth”.

I had to mention vaccinations so you would know about why children need protection from the Government.  So we needed a vehicle, a way of protecting children from vaccines and our Ministers of Health from prosecution for healing people, and of course, many other people from these and other suppression such as laws against home education of children.

A Protective Church
And so I started a church, legally, in the way it is really supposed to be done. This church is not a church of religion, but rather a church of (1) health, (2) healing, (3) doing good deeds and (4) always doing what is right.  That is about the extent of the beliefs that you need to have to be a member of our church.  We have other beliefs, but in order to be a member of our church these are the only beliefs you need, the 4 beliefs mentioned above.  We are the Genesis 2 Church of Health and Healing.  Genesis denotes the beginning.  The 2 indicates it is the 2nd beginning.  And we are the genesis of a world without disease. 

You may say, "So what, who cares, a religion won't help”.  Ah, but it will.  Governments throughout the world think twice before interfering with a religion, and more importantly, common law and most other law systems have been set for thousands of years, mostly by the Catholic Church, to respect religion.  You may not have been aware that the legal philosophy of separation of Church and State is that the Church and State are of equal power in their areas.  That means that in its area, the church is as powerful as the government -- it is equal.  The government can't dictate to the church. 

Part 2 will follow.

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