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Perth, WA, Australia

Monday 24 March 2008


Colon health is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Many people spend hours in the gym or health club, take walks every night, do power walking or jogging, endless push ups, sit ups, jumping jacks and crunches, and go out of their way to become healthy, but never give a minute’s thought to their colons. The heart, live and lungs are all thought of, but the colon is often ignored, and that is a shame because the colon is one of the most important organs in the body, and one of the most complicated. Witness the fact that the colon contains more nerves than any other organ in the body other than the central nervous system itself, the brain and spinal column. The colon serves as a focal point for all food that enters the body to provide nutrients, and is the area where this food leaves the body in the form of waste or faecal matter.

A problem with faecal matter is that it can become backed up in the colon, so keeping the colon cleansed is a major part of keeping it healthy, and gaining the benefits of a healthy colon for the rest of the body. Imagine if you will the walls of the colon lined with aging and deteriorating faecal matter. Not a pleasant thought, but a necessary one. This faecal matter contains bacteria which multiply. They in turn release toxins into the body. These toxins are poisons that can make you sick. These results in a condition called spastic colon, or irritable bowel syndrome. This irritable bowel syndrome can result in constipation, diarrhea, headache, body ache, water retention, bloating, cramping and abdominal pain and discomfort. These symptoms can be alleviated through proper cleansing of the colon.

Proper cleansing is done through a healthy diet, high in fiber, low in fact, containing healthy foods like whole grain bread, whole grain pasta, and brown rice, green leafy vegetables like spinach and lettuce, and legumes, like black beans, pinto beans, green beans and even peanuts. Use of the supplement Bowtrol Colon Cleanser is also an important practice for cleaner and healthier colons. Using Bowtrol Colon Cleanser along with healthy eating should result in more thorough and more regular bowel movements, hopefully two or three times a day. Using Bowtrol Colon Cleanser can help flush out the system and remove these harmful toxins. Bowtrol Colon Cleanser can help get the poisons out of your system, and should be used on a regular basis by those really concerned with their health.

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Anonymous said...

I feel like myself again! I have been living with chronic constipation, bloating and cramping for as long as I can remember. I have never purchased anything from TV in my life before but after seeing your broadcast on colon health I had to give Bowtrol a try. It's been three weeks now and I have been enjoying regular movements, increased energy and I just feel healthy again...and I owe it all to Bowtrol.
Colon Cleanse

Sonia said...

Thankyou Jessica, that is wonderful to know.