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Perth, WA, Australia

Wednesday 27 February 2008


Research by University of Chicago geophysics professors Gordan Eishel and Pamela Martin concluded that going vegan for one year saves 1.5 tons of emissions relative to the standard American Diet, 50% more than swithcing from an SUV to a Toyota Prius.

I recently watched EARTHLINGS and after 20 minutes the cruelty of animals was too much to bare. I urge all non vegetarians to watch this as I cannot see our Planet's level of consciousness rising very much whilst there is such great slaughter of our fellow beings.

This is a message to all humans who say they are "Spiritual", if you are not a vegetarian you are NOT "Spiritual" I am sorry to say. How can someone even contemplate on saying that they are healers, people of the light, light beings, watcher over this planet and whatever else you call yourselves when they are committing one of the greatest sins by killing other beings? Please ask yourselves these questions, your higher self already knows the answer.

Wake up to yourselves, do you really think you can save the world, heal this planet, heal others and continue to kill innocent beings the way you are doing now???? You know you are fooling yourselves don't you?????

My message here is "WALK THE TALK" you are either a "SPIRITUAL" loving, caring being or you are a normal meat eater with a lot of Karmic Debt or Sin (for Christians). How do you think your debt to those poor souls are going to be paid? What about this Planet Earth?

What about the Commandment in the Bible "THOU SHALL NOT KILL"? Isn't this clear enough?

Many say that the Indians are very spiritual beings, well they are however they are only on the first or second level, please read about the five levels below. To pass from the second to third level one needs to be Karma Free and with all the killing of those innocent beings it is impossible to progress towards being a total "Spiritual Being". Just on the second level there are many powers such as magic, astral travel, healing powers and more, this does not make one "ENLIGHTENED". An "enlightened being" is a totally "Karma Free Being".


The first level ASTRAL

The first level of enlightenment, corresponds to the subtle, or “Astral” level of heaven. It is said to be the emotional level. The Astral level is made up of many varied sub-levels. Souls at this level occupy the astral body and are bound by feelings and emotions. It has at least 6 kinds of miraculous power (e.g. clairaudience, clairvoyance, telepathy, precognition, healing and astral travel)

The second level CAUSAL

The second level of God-knowledge is the “causal”, or intellectual level. The most striking abilities that one achieves are eloquence and highly developed IQ. The Physical, Astral and Causal levels make up the "three worlds". Although the Astral and Causal levels might seem increasingly magnificent according to human conception, the three worlds are said to be still mainly under the influence of dark forces.

The third level DEBTS (KARMA)

Only after clearing all the debts (karma) of the physical world, then the soul could go beyond the three worlds and is said to be liberated from the authority of the dark forces. However the worlds of the third level are still not everlasting and although the soul is not required to enter the physical world again, if it wishes to perform good deeds in order to climb further into the eternal world. At this level the soul has creative power and still "believes itself to be something which it is not"(ego).

The fourth level SOUL REALIZATION

At the fourth level, the soul is said to be highly realised and with greater degree of freedom. At the peak of the fourth level is a vastly dark region, like a pitch black city night. The only light comes from the souls existing here, which are waiting for a chance to encounter a master to show them how to enter the fifth level. The fifth level cannot be entered on account of any merit gained as can the levels below it. A fifth or above level soul must accompany a soul wanting to enter this level therefore that soul must already be on the Fifth or above levels.

The fifth level ENLIGHTENMENT

The fifth level is the origin of all individual souls. Here we experience eternal happiness and unchanging joy and here we have absolutely reunited with our essence..


appreciate constructive comments and articles to support this one.

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