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Perth, WA, Australia

Wednesday 10 June 2009


'Fluoridated water prevents tooth decay.'

First of all, the reverse is true. One of the last cities in Europe to permit fluoridation was Basel, Switzerland, and they just stopped. Why? Because after they started fluoridating, kids' cavity rates increased. By contrast, rates in the rest of fluoride-free Europe declined. So why, you may ask, did anyone fluoridate in the first place?

FOLLOW THE MONEY. Fluoride is a by-product of aluminium production ...

And aluminium producers must dispose of it. But this was a very expensive proposition prior to fluoridation. Back then, the only approved uses for fluoride were as an INSECTICIDE or a RAT POISON.

So what did they do? I don't exactly have a smoking gun (yet), but one of the first studies 'proving' the anti-cavity power of fluoridated water was funded by the aluminium industry.

Ingenious, huh? If you can't dispose of a toxin, just delude health authorities that it's healthy, and presto... .

Now we pay them to pour rat poison into our water supply...

And what's the result? Fluoridated water doesn't prevent cavities, but it definitely can prevent a long, healthy life. I could show you evidence linking it to cancer, osteoporosis...

Plus, if you want to slash your Alzheimer's risk overnight...

Starting tomorrow, drink no fluoridated water.

Why? Because fluoride makes your body absorb extra aluminium. And where does the aluminium go? Your brain. And what metal shows up alarmingly in the brains of Alzheimer's victims? You guessed it.

In your FREE BONUS GIFTS, I'll explain the cheapest and easiest way to filter out all this toxic junk, along with several even easier ways to cut your Alzheimer's risk.

Then we'll put to rest all your needless fears about cancer...

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