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Perth, WA, Australia

Tuesday 7 August 2007


The word psychic comes from the Greek word psyche, meaning soul. Therefore, psychic means “of the soul.” In following the psychic pathway, you are following the pathway of the soul.

What is the pathway of the soul? It is the pathway of life lived with the belief and understanding that you are a soul, and that spiritual growth is your primary purpose. It is the understanding that your true essence is spiritual, and that your physical body is your instrument of expression, just as a piano is an instrument through which music is expressed. The piano is designed to be capable of expressing beautiful music, but without the understanding and discipline of a talented and developed musician playing it, the piano may sit silent, or worse yet, if played carelessly, will send out awful and discordant noises. The piano expresses the creativity and awareness of the musician. It does not create the music, it channels the music.

If you walk the psychic pathway, you live in the world differently than the ordinary person. You look at life differently, and respond to it differently. You know that you will be helped with each experience you face, however difficult. It is the pathway of trust and belief. That is what we mean when we talk about psychic ability.

Different psychic skills, such as clairaudience, clairvoyance, telepathy and precognition, are like different melodies a pianist plays on the piano. Each is beautiful, and some may be more appealing to you than others. You will learn to play all these “melodies,” to express all these psychic faculties naturally, if you remember that the musician, the creator, the true you, is Divine soul, a beautiful reflection of God.

The Basic Truths

1. Psychic gifts are gifts of the soul.

2. We are all souls; therefore we all have psychic gifts.

3. The development of our psychic gifts is our birthright.

4. Psychic gifts are messages from a divine source, directing us toward our own divine nature and its highest creative expression.

5. The development of each soul’s psychic gifts is not selfish; psychic gifts benefit us all.

6. Psychic gifts bring light and healing to us all.

7. The psychic pathway is born in love and results

5. The development of each soul’s psychic gifts is not selfish; psychic gifts benefit us all.

6. Psychic gifts bring light and healing to us all.

7. The psychic pathway is born in love and results in understanding.

8. The psychic pathway is gentle, powerful and always non-coercive.

9. The psychic pathway does not flatter the ego; rather it supports the soul’s true essence.

10. Exercising psychic gifts is fun.


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