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Perth, WA, Australia

Tuesday 24 July 2007



The centre of ‘Adult’ is ‘U’.
Only after we have learnt about our self through fully expressing ourself as
a child are we truly ready to share our bountiful being with others.
This state of maturity we call ‘adult’.

Of course many adults have minimal maturity – they’re simply unfulfilled
children who have grown bigger bodies over time and thus assume they’ve achieved

adulthood: their behaviour easily indicates otherwise.

A mature adult doesn’t want to hate anyone – but love everyone.
Doesn’t want to kill anyone = but play with everyone.
Doesn’t want to hurt others – but support them.
Doesn’t want to use others – but be of assistance to them.

A mature adult doesn’t ridicule the divine – but honours it.
Doesn’t willfully destroy the environment – but acts as trustee for it.

Doesn’t abuse others – but cares for them.
Doesn’t denigrate others – but encourages them.

The real adult takes their self-knowing and expresses it in the service of all.
In doing so, they transform the self-interest they had as a child into
self-less interest in the whole of humanity and life.
This is what it means to be spiritually adult.

Whilst the centre of child is “i”, the centre of adult is ‘u’.
The awakening caterpillar has wiggled along the many branches of
self-awareness and has changed into the brilliant butterfly of light.


The centre of ‘Child’ is ‘I’.

Yes, there’s nothing more natural than for a young child to be
all about ‘me, me, me!’

That’s because they’re exploring their environment – and, most importantly
their place within it.

“I” is critical to the natural and healthy development of the individual.

“I” allows the fullest expression of our unique creativity – a most vital
component of optimizing our life’s path.

We are divine beings learning to express the fullness of our potential and
we cannot do this if we are fettered in our self-exploration.

Only when we truly understand who we are can we share the richness of
our being with others.

For most of us, childhood was less then fulfilling – our self-expression
and creativity was stifled by adults who were themselves stifled by restrictions
and demands for conformity and narrowness of perception.

It is surely time for us to break free and explore the wondrous beings
of light, love and laughter which we will find we already are.

Work, play, relationships, sexuality, community and sacredness will then
all be honoured for their divine vibrancy of expression.

Then, and probably only then, will we be able to make our deepest possible
and absolutely authentic commitment to transformation.

God will truly reign again in our hearts.

Long live the child - free and unfettered – within you!


The centre of ‘Truth’ is ‘U’.

In other words, real truth isn’t what we’re told or
what we read – but what we experience.

You can read a dozen books on how to propagate, keep, cook and distinguish
various kinds of chillies – but they won’t really be your truths until
you propagate, keep, cook or eat them yourself.

The moment you experience a thing for yourself, then you know.

Ditto with lemons.

Ditto with love-making.

Ditto with life.

Ditto with money and marriage and everything else, too.

Our truths arise out of our experiences.

Everything else is simply data, information to supplement our
perspectives – interesting in itself but of secondary value in helping
us live authentic lives, rich with meaning and experience.

Buddha reminded his followers that there was no justification for relying on something as the truth just because others said it was, or it was
written in a book, or people had believed it for thousands of years, or a
supposedly wise person had originally said it, or it was
a supposedly sacred text.

Instead, he urged his followers to trust nothing unless they KNEW it for themselves.

It’s surely a timely reminder for all of us today.

But, please, don’t take my word for it.

Whilst this is my truth it won’t – and can’t – be yours….at least not until you experience it for yourself!


The centre of ‘Consciousness’ is ‘IOU’.

In other words, when we are awake and aware we come from a space
that is rooted in gratitude.

It’s a gratitude that separates the thinking from the thoughtless.

It’s a gratitude that separates the caring from the careless.

And the loving from the unloving.

This is not a gratitude that chains us to some slavish religious belief of inferiority
or which diminishes our self-standing.

It is rather a gratitude – an IOU – which makes us abundantly aware, moment to moment, act by act, thought by thought, that


This is a sense of gratitude that lifts us up and places us where we truly
belong – on our own two feet.

We become independent individuals capable of constant and awesome acts of human kindness and caring – even whilst we remain inter-dependent and inextricably part of All That Is.

Instead of life being a burden, it becomes a blessing.

Instead of lessening life with mind-numbing drugs and mindless activities we so respect it that our every intention is TO CELEBRATE LIFE!

Instead of waiting for a way out, we eagerly seek avenues to deepen our way in.

This week, simply be aware of where you are – and head for the centre of consciousness. Come join the celebration called life – and be grateful for that IOU, that ability to be aware of who and what you are.

Spirit Rules, OK!

Love & Light

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